The title about sums it all up for me. It has been like living in pit row around here and it doesn't slow down. At least not until after Memorial Day.
Here are some of the highlights of life in general at Casa De La Fields.
I am now blogging at Hopeful Parents once a month. For those of you who don't know about it, it is a grassroots website dedicated to parents with special needs children. I found out about them when we were adopting Marvin or somewhere thereafter. It is a big deal to get to write for them and I am proud to be a contributor to their blog.
Mother's Day went off without a hitch. Well sort of. My sister-in-law still has a hard time with her situation. I don't blame her. My wonderful, amazing, caring, husband bought her flowers to make up for the fact that Brandon won't be able to this year. I really have a keeper. Marvin painted me magnets for the fridge and immediately demanded them back. I said no and they are up high so he can't get at them. I have also let go of a boatload of hostility that I felt toward Marvin's birth mom and I feel much better now.
Marvin is now five!! Huzzah!!! After ten days of fighting for his life at a hospital, grim future outlook on him, and boatloads of alphabet soup labels, my son sees, hears, bonds with others, runs, plays, talks back, drives me nuts, and I thank God for every last precious minute of it! He got his barn and Shannon won tickets to the Dr. Seuss musical so we had a blast. The downside is now I have this big play barn in our small home (yes mom you did tell me this would be a problem but it makes your grandson happy) and he delights in dragging it into places where I almost fall and break my leg on it.
In other home front news Brandon is coming home. Not to stay. The jail has given him a pass to be home Memorial Day weekend. The trade off is that he has to serve these three days in jail and it will tack on to the end of his sentence. It is hard for our family, but darn it, Cole needs his daddy and my sister-in-law needs her husband. This whole mess has just left us topsy-turvey. My nephew just had his tonsils and adenoids out and tubes put in all at once. His daddy should be there, not locked away. I am just so mad about it all I could scream. Or cry. Possibly both. If there is one lesson I learned it is mistakes will come back to haunt you so just confess and get it over with. It is worse to pretend it never happened. All darkness will have light shed on it eventually. Better to put your flashlight on it than to have a big bright spotlight put on it by the public. That is my home grown wisdom for the day.
Oh yeah, the second adoption. Well things are trudging along. And I do mean trudging. Slow slow slow. We have some possibilities, but all the social workers in the world decided to go on break. Yep. I think they do it to annoy me. It works. Big time. But I still am hoping for my miracle. Or two. We are looking at a sibling group. Both boys. The girls are all still under rocks somewhere. In my perfect world we would hear something soon so I could have the summer months to get to know a new child. That would be nice, but right now not a reality.
So that about sums up where we are and what we are up to. I am hoping to have some real breaking news on the adoption front to share soon, but for now it is all hurry up and wait. The one thing that would be nice to move like pit row is more like a turtle with a big lead weight attached to its back. But that tends to be the way life works. Some things move fast and it is all I can do to keep up and some things drag and no matter how hard I push to move forward in this mess the system just refuses to be rushed. I am holding on to hope that I will soon welcome another child into pit row. But for now I have to be patient with going one lap at a time in our crazy every day life.
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